It is at the core of Innovation, it’s a pathway for innovation and innovation is very important to be successful, prosperous and to progress in life. Inquisitiveness is being curious, creative and analytical. You have to be curious about everything as a student. You have to be very creative, think different, innovative. Analyze about how any product or process can be developed such way that it should be Cheaper, Better and made Faster than the existing one. There are four steps in inquisitiveness those are Brainstorming, Discussion, Action Plan and Action. Brainstorming is all about gathering information and then putting the idea in front of a group for further exchange of thoughts and gather all the ideas whatever they are. Then sort out this information or ideas in discussion, organize the ideas. Thus, inquisitiveness involves everything right from scratching the idea to take a final action and if all the steps followed well in the said manner it will lead to a new innovation.